Contoh Letter of Intten Daftar Turkey Burslari Scholarship
Contoh Letter of Intten Daftar Turkey Burslari Scholarship 2021
1 - Title of Study (Please state the title of your study in a brief and concise manner, as the title of a thesis or an article.) (Maximum 30 words)
The Influence of Communities Lifestyle Towards Zakat Payment (A Case Study at Yogyakarta, Indonesia).
2 - The Analysis of the Issue (Please state the subject which you will deal with in your study and your theory.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words)
The majority of people in Indonesia are Muslims who have much ethnic and cultural diversity. Thus, one of the important things is about the zakat payment which means something that must be implemented in Islam.
Lifestyle can describe the whole person who interacts with his environment (Kotler, 2002). At this time, there are many lifestyle diversities that exist in the general public, such as hedonic lifestyle, metropolis lifestyle, global lifestyle, and others.
Lifestyle greatly affects each individual in daily activities. Therefore, lifestyle can really affect the personality of a person in life. Moreover, lifestyle can be transmitted while following the development of times. So it can be understood that lifestyle changes in accordance with the era.
Encouragement of people in zakat payment for the benefit of religion and welfare of the ummah is still relatively low because people still understand that the interests of religion are only limited to obey the commands of Allah (Zein Muttaqin, 2015).
In zakat payment, society is not only driven by spiritual situations and conditions, whether one is experiencing transcendence of faith due to the pattern and lifestyle that each other different. Financial conditions will also affect the behavior of people in zakat payment either in terms of obligations, opportunities, magnitudes, even routines that exist in the individual. Based on the problems, the questions of this study are:
a. How is communities lifestyle in Yogyakarta, Indonesia?.
b. What is the influence of communities lifestyle toward zakat payment in Yogyakarta, Indonesia?.
3 - Research Method (Please provide details concerning the methods of research you are planning to use in this study. For example, in-depth interviews, observations, surveys, trials, etc.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words)
This study is field research that conducted to a community in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In general, the population of this study is the entire community of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Sample was taken based on probability sampling technique; simple random sampling, where researchers provide equal opportunities for each member of the population (Society of Yogyakarta) to be selected with a random sampling.
According to Sugiyono (2013: 64) variable is an attribute or the nature or value of people, objects or activities that have variations set by the authors to be studied and drawn conclusions. Based on this understanding, the variables used in this study are:
• Lifestyle (variable X)
Lifestyle is a community life or communities daily behavior in their society (Salim, 1991). The lifestyle defined as a way of life that is identified with how people spend time (activities), what they perceive as important in their environment (interest), and what they think about themselves as well as the world around them (opinion) (Sutisna, 2002).
• Zakat Payment (variable Y)
Zakat payment is to issue a special portion of the special treasures which have reached the nisbah to those who are entitled to receive it. When the ownership is full and has reached haul (a year) in addition to mining and agricultural goods.
The main source of data in this study is from questionnaires that distributed to communities of Yogyakarta. The questionnaire was used to identify the identity, opinion, zakat payment of each individual, and other information considered relevant to support the study result.
To analyze the data and answer the hypothesis, this study will be conducted with Weighted Least Square method (WLS) whose stages consist of the descriptive test, WLS test, and hypothesis test.
4 - The General Structure of the Study (Please state the main headings of the study.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words)
Lifestyle is an identity within a community group. Lifestyle is seen in the whole pattern of an individual action and interaction in the community. Lifestyle can also describe how people live, how to spend their money, and how to allocate their time in life. In addition, lifestyle is also a pattern of life in daily that conducted in an activity, interests, and opinions are concerned. This study aims to determine how much the influence of community lifestyle towards their zakat payment, especially in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study is field research. The sample in this study are respondents who are Yogyakarta communities. Data analysis technique used is weighted least square method (WLS). The sampling method used in this study is non-probability sampling method with accidental sampling technique. Accidental sampling is the individual or group encountered by the researcher and considered appropriate for the respondent. The data were collected using questionnaire, observation, and documentation method. The data analysis technique used quantitative approach and multiple linear regression that aims to find out how much the influence of communities lifestyle towards zakat payment.This study is expected to have a significant lifestyle towards zakat payment.
5 - The Academic Contribution of the Study (Please explain what type of contribution this study will make to the Field in the academic sense.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words)
This study discusses the influence of communities lifestyle towards zakat payment. So the benefits of this study are expected to prove how the influence of personal lifestyle level for zakat payment in Indonesia. It is useful for the institution of zakat in Indonesia and even the world to make a reference to increase of muzakki (payer of zakat) in zakat institution.
In addition to proving the influence of personal lifestyle level in zakat payment, this study is expected to be useful also for:
a. For academic, it is expected to increase the study's content and given thought contribution to the development of Islamic economics and can be the next research reference, especially in the field of zakat payment.
b. For the people and institutions of zakat, they can know that lifestyle can affect the zakat payment or not. This can help get a reference to how people can pay zakat that is influenced by their lifestyles so that zakat institutions be able to make the programs to improve muzakki (payer of zakat).
c. For the writer, this study is useful to broaden writer's insight especially in zakat payment field influenced by a lifestyle of society in Yogyakarta.
6 - Literature Review (Please state the principal academic resources which have been written in the field of this study and which you will utilize.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words)
As far as look for a literature, the authors did not find many studies and scientific work that discusses specifically the influence of lifestyle towards zakat payment. However, to support a deeper problem with the aforementioned problems, the authors look for a relevant literature on the subject matter of the study. The previous research related influence towards zakat payment there are some studies, are:
1. Gamsir Bachmid, at al., (2012). The behavior of Muzakki in Paying Zakat Mal (Phenomenology Studies of Muzakki Experience in Kendari City). Published in Journal of Application Management. Vol. 10
2. Deni Riani, (2012). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Behavior of Muzakki in Paying Zakat (Case Study On BAZNAS Yogyakarta).
3. Awais Salbi, (2012). Descriptive Studies of Lecturer Behavior University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta In Zakat Payment.
4. Mohd Yahya Hussin, at al., (2013). Compliance with Zakah Payment: Analysis of Zakat Fitrah Collection and Leakage in Selangor. Published in Journal of Sharia, Jil. 21, Num. 2 (2013) 191-206).
Considered in relevant study, this study emphasizes the influence of communities lifestyle towards zakat payment. The studies that I will utilize, the first is study results of Deni Riani, (2012) shows that the behavior of Zakat payment of Civil Service of Yogyakarta city government is influenced by credibility and accountability of zakat institution (BAZNAS) Yogyakarta city. Then the variable that most influence the behavior of muzakki toward zakat payment is accountability. The second is study results of Gamsir Bachmid, et al., (2012) mentioned that the values to be realized (belief) of obedience to pay zakat mal includes four forms. The main one is the value of obedience to God's command, sharing, and helping others. The values that muzakki wants to realize in paying zakat mal are spiritual value, economic value, humanistic value, and moral value.
If there are any areas which you do not consider to be sufficiently clear, or which you believe need to be clarified, or any points you wish to draw the attention of the assessment committee, please describe these briefly, in this section.
I hope, I can give a contribution and dedication to my lovely country, Indonesia and make a peace with experience from study in Turkey with TürkiyeBurslari Scholarships.
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